Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Jo Sung Min twitter Updates with GD & TOP in Jeju!

not only GD went to Jeju with Jo sung min, the other half of the duo choomTOP was there too! I wanna be a cool korean guy that gets to hang out with GD & TOP! kkkk or stay as a girl if they hang out with girls XDD hope they had tons of fun!^.^ gah yummy food!!

Daesung and Seungri talk about PSY English Subbed!

AIgoo!! seungri oppa~!! you always revealing stuff about your
hyungs !!!

It seems like Martina interviewed GD at the Inkigayo Jeju Special and hopefully she’ll upload a video or something ^^ She also tweeted from the event that GD likes chocolate milk and that he was seen having some cotton candy >///<

G-Dragon’s me2day update!!!

,it’s so good to see that BB is having a break. :)!!!


happy birthday dae oppa!!!! love you!!! please always smile for V.I.P!!!